Walter "SalteWalte" Keiler serves as the Lead Developer at LitterBox Games (LBG). In addition to having a passion for developing, his favorite hobbies include skiing and eating good food.
Stumbling into game development was love at first sight for Keiler, a really happy accident!
"I started making games and actually really enjoyed it," Keiler said. "So I stuck with it and kept learning."
Keiler is hoping LitterBox Games can push some of the boundaries that exist within the development world with their videogames. "I hope LBG can bring some neat interesting mechanics and gameplay styles into the industry." Keiler said. "I have always been one for pushing the boundaries and that is what I hope to do."
Fun fact: Not only is Keiler a start developer, but he's been competitively skiing since he was 10 years old!
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