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Kittens of the LitterBox: Phoebe "Phrisbe" Smith

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Phoebe "Phrisbe" Smith is currently a third-year Animation and VFX student at Drexel University. Smith currently serves as LitterBox Games Creative Director. Growing up right outside Philadelphia, this gamer developed a love for art at a young age: "Once I got to college, I realized Digital/3D Art was a boundless medium that I had to get into."

Smith loves gaming for the immersive experiences it can bring into people's lives: "Games invite more opportunity into immersive worlds than any other medium."

As LitterBox Games continues to grow, Smith is hoping to help build an involved community base as they continue development on videogames. "I want to build a fanbase that really know the makers! I think that could bring a powerful personal aspect into the game design industry."

While Smith spends hours rendering art for LitterBox Games, her 2ft long python Ivy and Gargoyle gecko Alphys keep her company and help keep her ideas fresh.

Fun fact: Phoebe is an avid powerlifter and a true crime enthusiast! A very scary combination of interests, we wouldn't cross her if we were you.

Be sure to follow on Twitter and Reddit, and join our Discord to stay up-to-date with future game developments!

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